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  • Church Preservation and Restoration
  • Cemetery Preservation



Bethlehem Lutheran




Please enjoy the pictures on this page as we

organize and consider efforts that might ensure the preservation of this wonderful historic church.

Use the Contact button above to let us know if you have a digitized picture you would like us to add.

"New" Bethlehem Lutheran

"Norsk" Cemetery

"Old" North Bethlehem Cemetery

Located on the northeast corner of

293rd Street & 438th Avenue, one mile north of the "New" cemetery


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We would love to include your  digitized pictures. 

Please use the Contact button at the top of this webpage to make arrangements.

"New" Bethlehem Lutheran Cemetery ​  Pictures taken in 2008

Individual Graves


"New" Bethlehem Lutheran Cemetery

Bethlehem Lutheran Church    Pictures taken in 2008

Bethlehem Lutheran Church

Historic Photos 

Please have your old photos digitized and use the Contact button at the top of the page to let us know.



"Old" North Bethlehem Cemetery ​  Taken in 2008

Joseph Nielson, WW I

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Click on a picture to enlarge it & view captions, and to view the large pictures individually using the right > and left < arrows.

Move your cursor or mouse to the right & left to scroll through the photos.

Click on a picture to enlarge it & view captions, and to view the large pictures individually using the right > and left < arrows.

Move your cursor or mouse to the right & left to scroll through the photos.

Click on a picture to enlarge it & view captions, and to view the large pictures individually using the right > and left < arrows.

Yes, I do remember the coffee at Bethlehem.  It was ALWAYS made this way...each Sunday and EVERY meeting or occasion.  I believe that the tradition was handed down from the early pioneers of the church and even had roots in Norway.  On the days that Ladies Aid met, all of the kids used to play outside until we could smell the aroma of coffee in the air.  We would then go down to the basement for the offering, a hymn or two, sandwiches without lids and the favorite...CHOCOLATE CAKE!  None of us refused that one.  We all had coffee with sugar cubes (you can imagine the sugar cube action), which was actually, coffee-tinted milk, but in cups to make us feel that we were really a part of things.  As you know, people used to drink very hot coffee out of their saucers, so that became a fad.  You may think that this sounds a bit biased, but it was a fact and EVERYONE said so, complimenting..."MARIE MAKES THE VERY BEST COFFEE!"  They would ask if and hope that she had made the coffee that day.


The photo of Gramma was taken in the kitchen of the Bethlehem basement and is, most likely, a testament to her expertise.  


It was a big deal when Gramma did the coffee hours.  Assisted by my Mom,  they always made extra of everything because they knew EVERYONE would be staying and for many, having seconds...for some, THIRDS?  Yes!  Has that ever changed at any Lutheran church?  Your Mom will agree that there was never anything left to take home, but empty pans and dishes.


It is one of my very favorite memories of Gramma and Bethlehem, but then, I wasn't doing any of the work, was I?


Judy, Grandaughter of Marie & Albert  Peterson


Pioneer Settlers of 

Wisconsin &

South Dakota

Ancestors & Descendants of




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Suggestions, corrections,  additions, questions,  etc. are welcome and appreciated.

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